Hello and greetings! The other day I was lying in bed trying to sleep but, as usual, my mind was going a mile a minute. Trying to distract myself I started thinking about my goal to climb Mt. Fuji, seeing as how my husband and I are currently in Japan. Then I thought, how cute would it be if I had a Totoro and Stitch doll to take to the top and take a picture then send it to my friends back home! (I have a theme of getting my friend Karen items with Totoro, and Jenny gets Stitch!) Of course, at 2:00 in the morning I scoffed at the idea and my mind rolled onto yet another idea. Well the next day my mind went back to the idea and I thought "How cool would it be if I bought those dolls and took them on my adventures around Japan so their adventures were my adventures! Of course the more I thought about it, the more I enjoyed the idea so here we go! Above is Stitch, Totoro and Chibi Totoro. Stitch is going to be for Jenny, Totoro is MINE and Chibi Totoro (the white fluff ball) is Karen's! This is their "Welcome Home" Picture!

Chibi Totoro, Stitch and Totoro getting their tags removed. You are officially home little guys!
Looking out into Japan awaiting their future adventures!
Yay! This is Karen!!! That sounds really awesome!!!! XD I like this idea!!!!