Today we had a fun adventure in Yoshi and Shikamachi! I am learning that the area I live in has some beautiful mountain views, and to make it better they have fun parks up in those mountains! CT and stitch loved the view at Ohashi Park (in Yoshi)
This is the very neat little playground called Ohashi. Stitch was so hyped up to play that he ran off a bit to quick ....
He ended up falling into the grass in a location that was not very convenient so it was time for a heroic rescue!! As I climbed down a young japanese boy stood by Chibi Totoro and watched me rather curiously wondering what on earth I was doing. I'm sure the families below were wondering the same thing. But, Stitch needed saving and saving he got!
Another fun thing about japan is the very cool "rolley" slides! Ohashi had a fun one to go down.
We also had fun blowing some bubbles! After bubbles it was time to head out. I stopped in the visitors center and got some free postcards, woohoo! Then it was into the car and on the way to....
^Nagushiyama Park! Again another GORGEOUS view!!! CT and Stitch want to live on this mountain ((and so do I!!))
There was a spot in the visitor's center to do a stamp, so we did! How awesome is that!?
Once we did the stamp it was up a bunch of steps to the top of a VERY BIG rolley slide! HELLO-ELLO-LLO-LO-O DOWN-OWN-WN-N THERE-HERE-ERE-RE-E!!!!!!
And here we go!
Time to go through the cave!! Oh and you can see my shoe! Hello brown shoe!
There were three boys in front of us who stopped about three times and would turn around and wait for me to catch up, and then go again. It was terribly adorable! They couldn't have been older than 10, I'm sure the youngest was 6.
The parks around (and in) sasebo are so much fun, especially when they are up in the mountains! CT and Stitch are so lucky to ride on rolley slides up in the mountains and to play and see amazing views! What other awesome things await us in Japan?
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